Joy Specialty Idlers

  • Track Master for belt tracking
  • Thumper Roller for cleaner return belt
  • Spiral disc return designed to prevent material build up

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Track Master

A return tracking roller made up of a tubular roll mounted on an anti-friction bearing in the centre of the tube.  The roller is pivoted on an inclined, fixed swivel pin.  If the weight of the belt falls more on one side than the other, the heavy side rocks downward and forward, skewing the roller and guiding the belt to its central position.  The Track Master is deal for belt tracking.

Thumper Roller

The Thumper Roller is manufactured with finned tube causing the belt to bounce as it passes over the roller allowing any excess materials build up to fall of the return belt.

Spiral disc returns

Return idlers with spiral rubber discs are available to help prevent material buildup on the return side of the belt.  The angled discs push any residual materials to the outside of the conveyor for easier maintenance.