First name: Tony

Joy Global location: Wadeville, South Africa

Title: Global Manager - Hard Rock Engineering

Worked for Joy Global since: 1997

What are you responsible for as a Global Manager?

I am responsible for management of existing and future Joy Global hard rock projects and development activities in Africa, aimed at providing mining system solutions to the hard rock mining industry. Also, I am responsible for the continuous development, improvement and support of hard rock cutting systems as leader of the Centre of Technical Excellence for Hard Rock Cutting. I also manage all Joy hard rock engineering resources at Joy Global in Africa, including test sites and equipment at test sites.

What excites you most about being an engineer?

The ability to create technology and have it make a difference to someone. Tackling challenges head on and coming up with solutions. Most importantly, being able to do this within a team environment. There is nothing like being able to figure out how things work or why things haven't worked.

What's the best piece of advice you received on your path to becoming an engineer?

Gaining the experience is far more important than your salary.

What advice would you give a student interested in pursuing engineering?

Learn the values of networking. Build a portfolio of projects. Make sure you are able to have a mentor. Develop leadership qualities. Being able to work on a team. Improve your communication skills. Make sure you utilize your time wisely. Focus on identifying your area of interest early.

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