You expect your dragline to operate for decades. However, as your machine ages and new technologies become available, it becomes critical that certain upgrades and improvements take place to provide optimal productivity for the duration of your dragline’s life cycle.  

Our machine audit process uses our centre-of-excellence dragline service organization to provide you with a comprehensive picture of the health of your dragline. Our audits include:

  • Static inspection testing, such as:
    • Non-destructive tests, including eddy current, radiographic, and ultrasound
    • Visual inspection of key components, including gears and gear cases
    • Electrical inspections
    • Oil analysis to identify levels of particulates
  • Dynamic operational testing, such as:
    • Thermography for locating mechanical and electrical hotspots
    • Digital signal processing and analysis to confirm acceleration, velocity, and displacement
    • Vibration analysis
      • Baseline analysis performed at commissioning establishes the benchmark
      • Subsequent readings help identify trends

Our audit experts can be deployed worldwide, which means you have access to our full audit staff and our full range of test options, regardless of your location.  Our experts can also evaluate the electrical drives, control system, and motors on your dragline.

Audits reveal which components should be addressed in the short term, as well as provide a component life model for forecasting purposes. Subsequent inspections can be tailored to regularly assess components that are nearing replacement status. This helps minimize production delays, since replacement parts can be ordered well in advance and delivered in time for a planned exchange.