Gender Pay Gap Data – April 2022

Hourly Pay Gap

In this organisation, women earn 77.1p for every £1 that men earn when comparing median hourly pay. Their median hourly pay is 22.9% lower than men’s.

Women’s hourly rate is 18.6% lower (mean) and 22.9% lower (median).

The percentage of women in each pay quarter

Upper salary quartile has 87.7% men and 12.3% women.

Upper middle salary quartile has 89.2% men and 10.8% women,

Lower middle salary quartile has 90.4% men and 9.6% women.

Lower salary quartile has 66.2% men and 33.8% women 

Bonus Pay Gap

In this organisation, women earn 85.6p for every £1 that men earn when comparing median bonus pay. Their median bonus pay is 14.4% lower than men’s.

When comparing mean (average) bonus pay, women’s mean bonus pay is 17.5% lower than men’s.

91.5% of men and 82% of women received bonus pay.