Making Autonomous Haulage Systems a reality webinar

Industry 4.0 is transforming the mining industry. The automation of critical processes – from drilling and blasting to hauling and crushing – is vital to increase operational efficiency and mine productivity while improving worker safety. The trouble is, the Wi- Fi networks that most mines rely on simply weren’t built for the demands of business-critical mining use cases – they are characterized by unpredictable performance, patchy coverage and poor security.

To make Industry 4.0 work for your mines and enable the digital applications that will deliver results for your operation, you need pervasive wireless voice and data connectivity. With Industrial-grade Private LTE/4.9G technology, you can deliver a real competitive advantage right now using your existing ecosystem of machines, sensors and systems. And you can prepare your mines for what’s next – a seamless transition to 5G.

Komatsu, a leading global heavy equipment manufacturer, has been on the forefront of mining technology and automation since the first computerized dispatch system in 1979, and Autonomous Haulage with zero harm for over 13 years. Their Autonomous Haulage System (AHS) has qualified to operate on Nokia’s private LTE mobile broadband technology, enabling ultra-high system availability and reliability, while adhering to Komatsu’s renowned safety standards.

Join our webinar on June 23rd to learn how Nokia and Komatsu are making Industry 4.0 work for your mines – from now to next.